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                Service phone:020-82253210
                About us
                Guangdong Bosi Sci& Tech Co., Ltd (formerly known as Guangzhou Bosi Plastic Pigment Co., Ltd, hereinafter refereed to BOSI )
                Founded in 1998, it is a high-tech enterprise integrating the new technology of plastic coloring, new plastic functional materials and 3D printing consumables.
                The company is located in Guangzhou economic and Technological Development Zone, with a registered capital of 105 million 100 thousand yuan.
                In accordance with the advanced international standards, more than 18000 square meters of dust free and pollution-free modern factory building, with 25 pieces of twin screw extruding production line, the annual production amount of about 15000 tons of company
                Since 2006, it has been a high-tech enterprise in Guangdong province. Enterprises attach importance to the research and development of new products and new technologies, and the cost of research and development has increased year by year.
                Our advantages
                • 01
                  Customized Products and Services
                  With its own technological advantages and production management capabilities, it can provide customers with high-quality, high-value-added customized products and services quickly and effectively according to the needs and standards of customers.
                • 02
                  Product Development and Innovation
                  With 15 invention patents, in the industry leading level, according to customer needs, continuous research and development of products meet customer standards and requirements, and actively expand the new field of product development
                • 03
                  Cost Control and Efficiency
                  BOSI has excellent cost control capabilities, strict monitoring on all aspects of production, making the product cost leadership on the basis of ensuring quality and performance.
                Product Center
                News and information
                By the end of December 2016, Yangzi Petrochemical production of 1 million 9 thousand and 900 tons of plastic, this is the company's fifth plastic total amount to break through a million tons, the smooth realization of the goal.
                According to the General Administration of Customs of China, the total value of imports and exports of China's goods trade in 2016 was 24 trillion and 330 billion yuan (the same below), 0.9% lower than that in 2015. Among them, exports were 13 trillion and 840 billion yuan, down 2%; imports 10 trillion and 490 billion yuan, an increase of 0.6%; trade surplus of 3 trillion and 350 billion yuan, narrowed 9.1%.
                Guangdong Persian Polytron Technologies Inc (hereinafter referred to as "our company") has been officially launched in the national small and medium enterprise share transfer system in July 25, 2014, and in July 30, 2014, the Jinyang mansion in Beijing was solemnly held on the bell rite ceremony. The chairman of the stock transfer system, the chairman, vice chairman and independent director of our company.
                Cooperative enterprise
                CONTACT US
                contact us
                Phone: 020-82253210, 82253219
                Mailbox: bosi@vip.163.com
                Address: No. 7, Yun Qing Road, Luogang District, Guangzhou, Guangdong

                Pay attention to the WeChat public number

                Copyright?2013 Guangdong Persian Polytron Technologies Inc, Guangdong ICP 13064142-1Powered by Vancheer
                Click here to send me a message