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                Service phone:020-82253210
                Functional new color masterbatch

                Serial number

                 Function New masterbatch project name

                Main content introduction and technical index


                High-end film masterbatch

                Pretreatment of pigments for good dispersion performance; High shear dispersion technology to ensure stable quality; High-quality pigments and dispersants to ensure that pigments do not migrate or precipitate; Does not affect printing performance and composite fastness The masterbatch used for food packaging meets FDA requirements.


                High-gloss black masterbatch

                PC, ABS, PP special high-gloss black species have excellent weather resistance and good migration resistance of high-performance color masterbatch. Can meet the US FDA food contact specifications material. Very good dispersibility, high tinctorial strength, high gloss and high brightness in thermoplastic materials.


                High-performance antistatic masterbatch

                Ultra-high content, more than 50% active ingredient, no corrosion of electronic devices. Moreover, it has the advantages of less addition, low migration, low oiliness, and stable surface resistance.


                Return list
                CONTACT US
                contact us
                Phone: 020-82253210, 82253219
                Mailbox: bosi@vip.163.com
                Address: No. 7, Yun Qing Road, Luogang District, Guangzhou, Guangdong

                Pay attention to the WeChat public number

                Copyright?2013 Guangdong Persian Polytron Technologies Inc, Guangdong ICP 13064142-1Powered by Vancheer
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