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                Service phone:020-82253210
                Film color masterbatch
                The technical characteristics of the film type Masterbatch
                Pretreatment of pigments to obtain good dispersion properties
                High shear dispersion technology to ensure quality stability
                High quality pigments and dispersants ensure that the pigment does not migrate and does not precipitate
                . No impact on printing performance and compound fastness
                The masterbatch for food packaging meets the requirements of FDA
                Two. A brief introduction to the application

                1、Film color masterbatch


                Film color masterbatch mainly provides color for plastic products, gives it a beautiful appearance or provides covering performance.


                (1) packaging films: Express packaging, food packaging, daily necessities packaging, label materials, etc.


                (2) shopping bags: Coloring of plastic bags for supermarkets and markets.


                (3) industrial protective film: used for the surface protection of automobiles, electrical appliances, electronics, building profiles, furniture and other products, to avoid damage to the surface during processing and transportation.


                2、Film functional Masterbatch


                The film functional masterbatch has antistatic masterbatch, smooth masterbatch, anti adhesion masterbatch, antioxidant masterbatch, anti UV masterbatch and matting masterbatch.


                (1) antistatic masterbatch is mainly used to reduce the surface resistance of the film products, dissipate the surface to gather static electricity, reduce the adsorption of dust on the surface and avoid the electrostatic hazards.


                (2) the smooth masterbatch is mainly used for the smooth surface of the surface so as to avoid the excessive friction in the production process and affect the production efficiency and film quality.


                (3) anti adhesion masterbatch is mainly used to improve the smoothness, reduce the friction coefficient and improve the opening performance.


                (4) antioxidant masterbatch improves film processing and subsequent storage stability, avoiding yellowing and discoloration.


                (5) the anti UV masterbatch is to improve the UV resistance of the film, prolong the service life of the product in the outdoors, and maintain the color stability.


                (6) matting masterbatch is mainly used to prepare film with frosted effect and obtain soft and elegant appearance.



                Three、 film type masterbatch and functional masterbatch product model



                Color / species





                standard white

                self-adhesive film, protective film
                Express film, packaging film

                70% titanium dioxide, excellent dispersion


                high-grade white milk film

                milk film, daily chemical packaging

                titanium dioxide 65%, excellent dispersion, odorless, meet FDA requirements


                Standard white

                Protective film, general use film

                Titanium Dioxide 60%, Excellent Dispersion


                Economic white

                Shopping bag, industrial protective film

                Titanium Dioxide 50%, Excellent Dispersion




                Apricot color

                Express bag, protective film

                Excellent dispersion, express industry grey



                Silver gray

                Express bag, protective film, metal imitating membrane

                Excellent dispersion and silver gray in express industry



                Standard black

                Self mucous membrane, protective membrane, packaging film, and membrane

                The content of carbon black is 42 ~ 45%, colorless point and good dispersion

                EF series

                Custom color

                Protective film, packaging film

                Make up according to the user's color board

                KF series

                Open mother material

                Endow the opening performance

                Excellent dispersion and good opening performance

                SH series

                Skid Masterbatch

                Film smoothness

                Excellent dispersion, small friction coefficient

                XG series

                Extinction Masterbatch

                Grind, low gloss surface

                Low gloss, no precipitation

                KJ series

                Antistatic Masterbatch

                Lower surface resistance

                Low addition, lower surface resistance

                ZG series

                Pearlite Masterbatch

                BOPP Pearlite Masterbatch

                Good dispersion, low precipitation, and cost reduction

                SF-PPA series

                PPA Auxiliary Masterbatch

                Fluorinated functional Masterbatch

                Reduce die precipitation and eliminate crystal point

                ZR series

                Flame retardant masterbatch

                Flame-retardant properties endowed with thin films

                Reduces Die Precipitation and Eliminates Crystal Spots


                Easy tearing film for paper

                Paper imitation film and tear film

                with plastic waterproof moisture resistance and the tear of paper


                Return list
                CONTACT US
                contact us
                Phone: 020-82253210, 82253219
                Mailbox: bosi@vip.163.com
                Address: No. 7, Yun Qing Road, Luogang District, Guangzhou, Guangdong

                Pay attention to the WeChat public number

                Copyright?2013 Guangdong Persian Polytron Technologies Inc, Guangdong ICP 13064142-1Powered by Vancheer
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