
  • <tr id='AUKAae'><strong id='AUKAae'></strong><small id='AUKAae'></small><button id='AUKAae'></button><li id='AUKAae'><noscript id='AUKAae'><big id='AUKAae'></big><dt id='AUKAae'></dt></noscript></li></tr><ol id='AUKAae'><option id='AUKAae'><table id='AUKAae'><blockquote id='AUKAae'><tbody id='AUKAae'></tbody></blockquote></table></option></ol><u id='AUKAae'></u><kbd id='AUKAae'><kbd id='AUKAae'></kbd></kbd>

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              <acronym id='AUKAae'><em id='AUKAae'></em><td id='AUKAae'><div id='AUKAae'></div></td></acronym><address id='AUKAae'><big id='AUKAae'><big id='AUKAae'></big><legend id='AUKAae'></legend></big></address>

              <i id='AUKAae'><div id='AUKAae'><ins id='AUKAae'></ins></div></i>
              <i id='AUKAae'></i>
            1. <dl id='AUKAae'></dl>
              1. <blockquote id='AUKAae'><q id='AUKAae'><noscript id='AUKAae'></noscript><dt id='AUKAae'></dt></q></blockquote><noframes id='AUKAae'><i id='AUKAae'></i>
                Service phone:020-82253210
                • Number of recruits:polynomial
                  Salary treatment:

                  Job description

                  1. College degree or above; major in financial audit is preferred; proficiency in office software: Excel, Word, etc.;
                  2. Carefulness, conscientious and responsible, sensitive to numbers, good communication skills and teamwork spirit;
                  3. The main responsibility is to supervise the establishment and implementation of the company's financial management and internal control system
                • Number of recruits:polynomial
                  Salary treatment:

                  Job description

                  1. College degree or above, proficient in computer office software operation;
                  2. Good communication and coordination ability;
                  3, the work is positive and enterprising, can bear hardships and bear hard work;
                  4. Be conscientious and responsible, be able to obey the company's work arrangements;
                • Number of recruits:polynomial
                  Salary treatment:

                  Job description

                  1, junior high school education above, under 50 years of age;
                  2, hardworking, strong sense of responsibility, able to adapt to shift work;
                  3. People who are not color blind or weak in color have priority in producing experience;
                • Number of recruits:polynomial
                  Salary treatment:

                  Job description

                  1, junior high school education above, under 45 years of age;
                  2, hardworking, strong sense of responsibility, able to adapt to shift work;
                  3. Be conscientious and responsible for others; be proactive and able to obey the work arrangement;
                • Number of recruits:polynomial
                  Salary treatment:

                  Job description

                  1. College degree or above, major in polymer materials, chemical related, familiar with the quality inspection process and method of plastic, rubber and other materials, with a variety of mechanical measurement tools, strong ability to know the drawing, and related work experience first;
                  2, do well in the inspection of finished products, semi-finished products, raw materials and external samples, and report to the superiors in time the problems in the detection process;
                  3, effective control of product quality problems repeat proportion;
                  4, carefully record the testing results of raw materials and finished products, keep, collate and count the inspection data, ensure the accuracy of data and the timeliness of feedback;
                  5, do a good job in the maintenance and maintenance of the testing instruments and equipment of the company, check regularly without error;
                  6, the monthly raw materials, finished products to keep samples, there is no omission;
                  7, strive to learn the quality inspection knowledge, and constantly improve their work level.
                • Number of recruits:polynomial
                  Salary treatment:

                  Job description

                  1. College degree or above; major in chemical engineering;
                  2, hardworking, quick thinking, good at communication;
                  3. Priority is given to the following conditions: (1) 2 or 3 years of experience in sales of industrial products;
                Post welfare
                1, the company buys five risks and one gold for employees; (employee health insurance card monthly has money to pay).
                2, the company provides high temperature subsidies to employees every summer.
                3, the company pays 30 yuan per month for full-time employees every year for a full year (*30 yuan / month).
                4, the company provides staff dormitories and working meals free of charge.
                5, the company provides tourism subsidies for full year employees.
                6, every year the company arranges a large raffle (prizes of 200-4000 yuan in cash and prizes).
                Guangzhou General Company Address: Guangzhou City, Luogang District Yun Qing Road No. 7 pioneer Avenue (South Logistics) station to get off, long view technology limited company crossing into the right turn right to go to our department
                E-mail: bosi@vip.163.com contact: 020-82253219, 82253210 Miss Zhu, Miss Luo.
                CONTACT US
                contact us
                Phone: 020-82253210, 82253219
                Mailbox: bosi@vip.163.com
                Address: No. 7, Yun Qing Road, Luogang District, Guangzhou, Guangdong

                Pay attention to the WeChat public number

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