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                Service phone:020-82253210
                talent strategy

                The concept of use of people:

                Having both ability and integrity, appointing people as a worthy person, and paying attention to ability and quantity before using, giving full play to individual potential to realize collective value and embody personal value. Try to create a comprehensive talent team. The company pays attention to the training of talents and implements post training and knowledge training simultaneously.

                Talent training:

                The staff training and training management measures shall be worked out to institutionalize, standardize and scientifically manage staff training. Make full use of the existing talent training platform of the group to promote the "high-end leading talent training project" of the group. Through the project cooperation, school enterprise cooperation and the combination of production and research and research, we will increase the attraction to the high-end technical personnel, and provide the sustainable development of the company with an endless source of talent. We should strengthen the training and use of young management cadres and promote the professionalization and youth of management teams. We should innovate and perfect the mechanism of talent evaluation, selection, use, incentive and guarantee, and create a favorable institutional environment for talent development and talents.

                Assessment system:

                Establish a scientific management and management personnel assessment and evaluation index system. The standard of job assessment for professional and technical personnel and highly skilled personnel should be worked out and innovative personnel evaluation methods should be innovating. The evaluation index system of technical talents was established, and quantitative evaluation, ability test and career orientation test were carried out in the use of talents.

                Talent selection:

                We should establish a reserve team for leading cadres and formulate management measures for reserve cadres. The establishment of the group of all kinds of expert talent pool. Carry out the reserve of talent reserve.

                Talent incentive:

                We should improve the implementation method of annual salary system for enterprise managers, and explore ways to combine short-term incentives with long-term incentives. We formulated and implemented the subsidy system for chief experts and professional leaders. To study and formulate honorary titles, outstanding commendation and honorary titles of group companies, and commendation and reward methods. Further improve the enterprise social security system, further promote the implementation of the annuity management system of non-ferrous enterprise group, and strengthen the incentive effect of all kinds of insurance and welfare treatment. Design staff career path, effectively support the enterprise promotion system and career planning, the establishment of technical and management talent channels, and to achieve incentive to the staff, to guide the staff to coordinate the individual goals and organizational goals.
                CONTACT US
                contact us
                Phone: 020-82253210, 82253219
                Mailbox: bosi@vip.163.com
                Address: No. 7, Yun Qing Road, Luogang District, Guangzhou, Guangdong

                Pay attention to the WeChat public number

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