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                Service phone:020-82253210
                Persian Polytron Technologies Inc, Guangdong
                Guangdong Bosi Sci& Tech Co., Ltd (formerly known as Guangzhou BOSI Plastic Pigment Co., Ltd.) was established in 1998. It is a high-tech enterprise that integrates research, development, production and sales of new plastic coloring technology, new plastic functional materials and 3D printing consumables.

                The company is located in Guangzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone, with a registered capital of 105.10 million yuan. In accordance with international advanced standards, it has built more than 18,000 square meters of dust-free, pollution-free modern factory buildings, and has 25 twin-screw extrusion production lines, with an annual production capacity of 15,000 tons.
                • registered capital of 10510 million yuan
                • pollution-free workshop 18000+ square meters
                • size production line 25
                • 15000 tons of production in
                Since 2006, BOSI has been a high-tech enterprise in Guangdong Province. BOSI focus on the research and development of new products and technologies with its investment in R&D costs increasing year by year. At present, BOSI has established its own R&D institutions: corporate R&D institutions, municipal-level enterprise technology centers, and municipal-level Masterbatch carrier R & D institutions, provincial enterprise technology centers and provincial masterbatch carrier engineering technology center. BOSI established Guangzhou Postdoctoral Innovation Practice Base and National Postdoctoral Scientific Research Workstation. BOSI is committed to the research and application of new technologies in plastic coloring, new plastic materials and 3D printing consumables. It adheres to the road of combining technological innovation and market development, and attracts and trains a group of well-qualified management talents and scientific and technological elites. BOSI has built a R&D team composed of professors, senior engineers, and doctors. At present, many technologies are at the leading domestic level, and some scientific research achievements have already been applied for national patents.

                The company has passed: IS09001-2000 quality management certification, IS014001 environmental certification, IS018000 environmental occupational health and safety management certification, RoHS management system certification

                BOSI is now with below three products series: special universal plastic masterbatch, new functional polymer materials, 3D printing Consumables

                Application of BOSI products: They are widely used in home appliances, fibers, films, pipes, profiles, education, medical, model design and other fields

                BOSI has been working hard to create new coloring technology, new functional materials and 3D printing consumables, and become China's best color masterbatch and new material company! It determined to be China's first-class masterbatch and new material production companies, the world's best masterbatch and new material suppliers!
                CONTACT US
                contact us
                Phone: 020-82253210, 82253219
                Mailbox: bosi@vip.163.com
                Address: No. 7, Yun Qing Road, Luogang District, Guangzhou, Guangdong

                Pay attention to the WeChat public number

                Copyright?2013 Guangdong Persian Polytron Technologies Inc, Guangdong ICP 13064142-1Powered by Vancheer
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