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                Service phone:020-82253210
                Sheet color masterbatch
                I. Technical Features of Masterbatches for Pipe, Sheet, and Wire
                Pretreatment of pigments for good dispersion; High-quality pigments and dispersants to ensure that the pigment does not migrate, precipitate, or fade Masterbatch addition does not affect the mechanical properties of sheets, tubes, and wires Special applications meet FDA requirements, such as pipes for tap water, etc. The masterbatch for wire rod does not affect the electrical insulation and other electrical properties and weatherability of the wire rod; The addition of Color Masterbatch does not affect the mechanical properties of sheets, pipes and wires.
                Second, the application profile


                Color masterbatch for pipes, sheets, and wires mainly provides color for plastic parts such as pipes, sheets, and wires, giving it a beautiful appearance, and its application fields include:

                (1) Masterbatches for pipes: sewer pipes, water pipes, water supply pipes for engineering, etc.;

                (2) Masterbatches for Sheets: Construction Panels, Plates for the Chemical Industry, etc.

                (3) Masterbatches for Wires: Wires and Cables, Electronics, etc.

                Pipes, sheets, and wires for functional masterbatches

                The functional masterbatches for pipes, sheets, and wires have antistatic masterbatches, high weatherproof masterbatches, high-efficiency flame retardant masterbatches, etc.

                (1) The antistatic masterbatch is mainly used to reduce the surface resistance of the injection molded parts, dissipate the surface to accumulate static electricity, reduce the adsorption of dust on the surface and avoid electrostatic hazards;

                (2) High weather resistant masterbatch improves the UV resistance and heat resistance of injection molded parts, prolongs the product's outdoor service life, and maintains color stability;

                (3) The high-efficiency flame-retardant masterbatch is mainly due to the improvement of the flame-retardant properties of the injection-molded parts, effectively suppressing the combustion of plastics, and avoiding the hazards caused by the easy burning of plastics


                CONTACT US
                contact us
                Phone: 020-82253210, 82253219
                Mailbox: bosi@vip.163.com
                Address: No. 7, Yun Qing Road, Luogang District, Guangzhou, Guangdong

                Pay attention to the WeChat public number

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